CAS-ULAB organizes a Book Launching Ceremony
The Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) organized a book launching ceremony of the book entitled Buddhist & Brahmanical Iconography Three Hundred & Forty Four Numbers Collected by Noorul Islam from Ramabati, the Ruined Capital City of Rampaldeva by Noorul Islam on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.
The program started with a welcome speech by Professor Shahnaj Husne Jahan, Director, CAS and head of the General Education Department, ULAB. The book launching ceremony was chaired by Retired Professor Dr.Habiba Khatun, University of Dhaka. Prof. Dr. Mokammal H Bhuiyan, Department of Archaeology, Jahangirnagar University and Niru Shamsunnahar PhD, Former Keeper, Bangladesh National Museum discussed on the significance of the book.
Noorul Islam, the 94 years old collector has been collecting antiquities since 1950’s. His vast collection exhibits on the Noorul Islam Sangrahashala in his own residence in Dhaka. The book launched today is a catalogue of miniature Bronze sculptures collected by Noorul Islam which demonstrates the socio-cultural aspects of Bengal will be a great resource for future researchers to understand and delve into Bengal’s art history and craftsmanship.
Dr. Khoudkar Alamgir, retired faculty, National University; Prof. Dr. Md. Osman Ghani, Asian University Bangladesh (AUB); Md. Abdul Baten, Department of Archaeology, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; Babu Ahmed, Director and Photographer. Traditional Photo Gallery (TPG), Mohammad Niamul Huda, Assistant Professor, Department of Archaeology, Comilla University; Farhana Nazneen, Lecturer, Department of
Architecture, Shanto-Marium University of Creative Technology, Ajoy Kumar Roy, Publisher, Tangon Prokashon, and Dr. Engr. Mostofa Kamal Farooque were present in the occasion with other distinguished scholars, archeologists, researchers, ULAB faculties and students actively
participated in the ceremony.