CAS organizes seminar on "Addressing Water Scarcity: Unveiling the Drought Challenge in Bangladesh's Climatic Zones"
The Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS) and the Department of General Education (GED), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) jointly organized a Seminar titled ‘Addressing Water Scarcity: Unveiling the Drought Challenge in Bangladesh's Climatic Zones’ on August 09,
The Keynote speaker was Md. Naimur Rahman, Lecturer cum Research Associate in Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS), ULAB. The Seminar started with a welcome speech by Professor Shahnaj Husne Jahan, Director of the Center for Archaeological Studies and the head of the General Education Department, ULAB. In his lecture, Md. Naimur Rahman focuses on the context of Bangladesh’s severe water scarcity, particularly in light of shifting climatic circumstances across Bangladesh's seven climatic zones. In his discussion he talked about the current drought circumstances and workable ways to address this critical issue also laying out a
plan for Bangladesh's sustainable management of water resources.
At the last stage, the discussion became interactive through the question and answer session of the distinguished scholars, archeologists, researchers, guests, ULAB faculties and students participating in the seminar.